
8 Exercises To Cinch Your Waist, Sculpt Your Shoulders, Lift Your Butt For A Sexy Hourglass Figure

1. Stability Ball Shoulder Bridge:  Where you’ll feel it:  Your core, hamstrings, quads, and butt. How to: Lie on a mat on your back with your feet on top of a Swiss ball and your arms outstretched on the floor near your sides with your palms facing down. Press your palms into the floor and engage your core to lift your hips straight up off the ground. Without dropping your butt, use the muscles in your hamstrings and quads to slowly roll the ball in toward your butt until the soles of your feet are on top of the ball. With control, extend your legs to roll the ball back out to starting position. That’s one rep. Continue without dropping your hips 2. Stability Ball Plank Tap-Downs:  Where you’ll feel it:  Your abs, obliques, chest, and shoulders. How to: Get into a plank position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists and the tops of your feet on top of a Swiss ball. Engage your core as you lift your right leg up off the ball and slowly touch your right to...

Her "Carb-Pairing" Trick Melted Away 22lbs In Just 13 Days

Odd carb trick burns up to 1LB per DAY! If you’re like most folks… you diet, you count calories, you tear up the treadmill, and… Nothing… That’s how one overweight mother with prediabetes was feeling… She did “everything right” and never lost an inch. Until… She stumbled on this strange “carb trick” and burned away an unheard of 22lbs pounds in just 13 days… And because of this one simple shift in her eating, she did it without starving herself…! … and without a lick of exercise! Now get this… with the same carb trick she dropped a total of 37lbs in the FIRST month! … and shocked her doctor by completely reversing ANY pre diabetic symptoms! You won’t even believe her final result so I won’t bother telling you. D.I.Y. 10-Second Flavor-Pairing Trick for Female Weight Loss! So my 43-year-old cousin Sara ended up losing 19 pounds last month... I know she’s tried EVERYTHING from counting calories, counting “points”, gym memberships, pills...whatever she does, she loses 10lbs and then gains ...

29 Best Belly Fat-Fighting Foods to Help Flatten Your Tummy

1. Avocados Research has shown that soluble fiber can help  reduce abdominal fat . Individuals who increased their intake of soluble fiber by 10 grams per day saw a 3.7% decrease in belly fat over a five year period (1).  One cup of chopped  avocado  provides 240 calories and 3 grams of soluble fiber.  2. Healthy Fats  Saturated fats in butter and high-fat meats have been shown to increase abdominal fat (2). One study found that increasing intake of either  coconut oil  or olive oil lowered levels of LDL cholesterol and raised levels of HDL cholesterol after four weeks while butter made cholesterol levels worse (3).  Many people believe that coconut oil can help with weight loss, unfortunately, there is little evidence to support this claim (4). However, both coconut oil and olive oil can still be part of a  healthy diet  when consumed in moderation.  3. Fatty Fish Fatty fish including salmon, tuna, and herring are important so...

How to Lose Weight Quickly: 3 Simple Weight Loss Tips That Work

1. Skip Breakfast – Start Your Day With Fasting If you want to lose weight quickly but don’t want to get on a low-carb diet, try short-term fasting.  It’s one of the most popular weight loss fast that’s quickly becoming a trend.  While it’s easy to classify anything buzzing as a trend and even fad, a short term fast can be a lifestyle for many looking to improve health.  So the question is “how to fast for weight loss?”.  It’s simpler than you think and it’s not grueling or depriving as you’d imagine.  This method is known as intermittent fasting. The idea is to  cycle between periods of eating and fasting .  2. Start Your Day  Exercise If you are in a time crunch for your weight loss goal, you may want to know how to lose weight the fastest.  So here is one additional thing you can do to fasten your weight loss. And that’s adding a morning workout to your routine.  A 2016 study shows working out on an empty stomach may help you lose 20 ...

Why Can’t I Lose Weight: 9 Frustrating Reasons You May Be Missing

1. Portion Distortion Measure and record  everything  you put in your mouth: the amount, the ingredients, etc. Try using a free app like  My Fitness Pal  to give you a breakdown of your daily calories, fat intake, sugar intake, etc. Do this for at least a week and then take a look at your numbers. I like to divide my plate into fractions: 1/4 lean protein 1/4 or less complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice All the rest should greens, and non starchy vegetables Seeing everything broken down can really be eye-opening. You may be consuming way more than you thought you were. 2. Too Much Restaurant Food If you eat a lot of your meals out, you have another tricky dieting problem. It’s very hard to know  just what  is going into your restaurant meal, what kinds of oils are used for cooking, and how much butter goes into your meal. Even if you do order a healthy meal, restaurant portion sizes are almost always way more than you need. Make up ...

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Let’s Start With What You Shouldn’t Do   Tip   1.   STOP CONSUMING SUGAR! Number ONE Easiest way to get rid of that belly flab. Here’s what happens when you consume sugar.   Sugar is made up of half fructose, and half glucose.   Fructose can ONLY   be metabolized by the liver. When the body takes in copious amounts of refined sugar (Sweets), the body is NOT able to store it as glycogen and reuse it for energy.   The end result, the liver is forced to turn it into FAT! If that wasn’t enough bad news, now parts of that sugar remain in the liver aiding in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and helping your body become insulin resistant (NOT A GOOD THING).   Ok, end of THIS rant. How To Lose Belly Fat Fast Tip 2:   Forget About Abdominal Exercises! Do you really believe all those fitness models got a six-pack from doing ab exercises?   They definitely DID NOT!   No matter how much time you devote to exercising those mu...

Complete list of keto diet food

We have put together a keto diet plan for beginners here. 1-fat: When you are on your keto diet, then most of the calories should come from the fats. Fats are essential for your body, but you need to avoid unhealthy fats. The preferred form of fats in ketosis are butter, avocado, and coconut oil. You can get the right amount of good fats from meat, fish, and eggs. Remember one thing that when you’re on keto fats are your friend. 2-low carb vegetables and fruits: Vegetables are an essential healthy part of the keto diet, but you need to consume the types of vegetables that are high in nutrients and low in carbs. Usually, dark and leafy greens would be the best thing to include in the keto diet food list. You need to choose vegetables that grow above ground; you can use those vegetables which grow below ground but in moderate quantity and limit the number of carbs in them. 3-meat and dairy products: Meat and dairy are a primary part of keto diet food list. Fresh unprocessed are low in ca...